6/14/2022 0 Comments How I Studied for the MCATBecause people keep asking me and I figured it’s easier to send a link than to poorly rewrite this every time. Spoiler alert: I got a 526 (132/132/132/130).
Since August, all I have been listening to is classical music. Classical violin, mostly. (There was a period of a week where maybe 12 hours of the day I was listening to Tchaikovsky's violin concerto on repeat.) Which is strange, because I do not (and never did) play the violin.
7/19/2020 2 Comments I Want to Write a Book One DayThat's all. Just wanted to put it out there and let it manifest into reality.
My usual answer is resoundingly clear - no. I loathe the idea of fate and destiny and giving up control of my future.
But three years ago today, I was introduced to research and the incredible people in my lab, and it's been hard to imagine how my life might have been if not for that moment. This late March, I was one of the 396 undergraduate students in the nation to win the 2020 Goldwater Scholarship for excellence in natural science, mathematics, or engineering. What an absolutely surreal experience.
It was almost exactly three years ago that I created this blog, that I wrote my first post, high on the excitement of a new idea that would consume my mind and my time. It is a gross understatement to say that I've changed in those three years (change does not even begin to cover it). Even just since my last post, a little over a year ago, I am (or I feel like) a completely different person. (Evidently, my love for parentheticals remains.) So in this not-so-grand gesture of rebirth, let me tell you about the Dunning-Kruger effect.
I should really be writing my Forum paper right now, but eh, procrastination is not something that left me from high school into college.
Wow, college was not really what I was expecting it to be. I feel like I’m at the point where I can say that, but can’t pinpoint exactly what it is that is so different from what my expectations and assumptions were. So, I’m sorry about that in advance. But let’s talk about the amazingness that was my first semester at college. Well, it is over. The process that started more than one year ago has definitively come to a close. And oh man oh man what a process it was.
And of course, I’m talking about getting my license. (JK that took like 2+ years lol.) I’m talking about the college application process. It’s been 3 weeks since I started college, (give or take, because it feels like forever ago), but sometimes it feels like I'm still applying to college. But it’s been a year, over a year, since this entire college process started, way back in the summer before senior year when I started to write all those goddamn essays. 7/15/2018 1 Comment My Valedictorian SpeechSooooo, a lot of you aren't going to understand the jokes in this speech... but I though might as well put it up here anyway as a way to ease back into things.
Thanks for reading! For the summer of 2017, right before my senior year, I was one of the participants of the Liberty Science Center Partners in Science Program, where high schoolers from around the state (and more) were given the opportunity to gain laboratory experience working with a mentor. (For more about this program, click here.)
I originally had all these posts out separately, but they were taking up too much room, so here's a handy dandy composite post that has links to each individual weekly update. |
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